Submit your conversation request
After the below form is submitted, you’ll get an email from us containing a link— this will give you access to have a guided, video-based conversation with a colleague you selected.
Brainstorm a conversation partner
Have a colleague in mind you’d like to have a meaningful conversation with: your go-to work friend or someone you’d like to get to know better.
Schedule time for your sample conversation
Grab an hour on each other’s calendar within the next 7 days
Experience the magic of Imperative’s conversations
Use the link we’ll email you to join the video-based conversation— no pre-work required, just show up and enjoy!
What To Expect Within Your Sample Conversation
“Through our conversations, I realized tangible ways to improve my relationships and, consequently, my growth and impact at ICF.”

ICF Employee
Conversation Experience Details
Imperative’s platform is designed to serve medium to large enterprises—this trial is available to organizations with 1,000 employees or more.